We are thankful to many people for their contributions toward KBC Hospital till today. The original intention of the Health Care Clinic was very simple. “To take care the health needs of seminary students who are attending Karen Baptist Theological Seminary”. As we are blessed by God through providing us with leaders who have concern for needy people; doctors and nurses who want to serve God through healing ministry; other co-workers for different important functions; well-wishers and donors who are interested and willing to support us while we are in need. Together all starting from 1993 to 2020, we (KBC hospital) have accomplished many improvements.
History of KBC Hospital
The Karen Baptist Convention Health Care Clinic is a mission outreach of the Karen Baptist Convention (K.B.C), which functions under Care and Counseling Department.
The gospel of Christ is a holistic mission. In July 10, 1992 the idea leading to give birth of Care work and Care Committee was started. All the KBC leaders accepted the idea and tried step by step. According to the resolution (No. 92/3), it was decided that the following four pilot projects of care need to be set up:
- Care for narcotic drugs addicted patients (Addiction Care)
- Care for women working as house maids. (House maids Care)
- Care for those in prison. (Prisoners’ Care)
- Care for the sick in hospitals (Hospital Care)
As seen in the minutes of the meeting the leaders were keen and eager to launch the project as early as possible. Thra Ler Htoo Po Hla donated K – 5,000 (Kyat five thousand only) for the work. Various leaders were assigned for duties in the four sectors.
The following leaders were assigned for hospital care
- Dr. Clifford Kyaw Dwe
- Thramu Stella Min
- Waldo Thein
Reports of the sectors noted that the Hospital Care group carried out work such as visiting the sick, providing monetary help, offering prayers and donating nutritious food.
Health Care/Hospital Care
- Preparation for Blood Donation
Patients need blood when they undergo an operation or when their blood hemoglobin reaches dangerously low level as a result of long illness. So, on May 1, 1993, the leaders assigned a group of people to make a list of possible blood donors. This group comprised:
- Thramu Stella Min,
- Sister Sally,
- Thra Ler Htoo Po Hla,
- Thra Hset Hpa,
- Thra Gideon Taw,
- Thra Ler Htoo Po (affiliated member, Judson Church).
Their job is to make arrangements for blood supply, i.e blood donations.
Opening of Care Centre
On Nov. 4, 1992, the leaders thought over the matter and decided to form a Care Centre (Clinic). With a clinic it would be possible for those who are trained in medical profession to work together for more effective curative treatment. Accordingly, in Resolution (92/12) it was decided that prior to the establishment of a Care Centre (Clinic), the KBTS (Karen Baptist Theological Seminary) would provide a room for medical care. This proposal was forwarded to the Executive Committee of the Karen Baptist Convention through the Care Committee. A similar request was forwarded by KBC EC to the Finance and Property Committee of KBTS.
At a meeting on Nov 4, 1993, it was decided (Kasha 93/26) to include an old adjoining kitchen by granting permission to the Care Committee to set up a Care Clinic.
Selecting of New Leaders for 1993
With great honour and respect, we express profound gratitude to the pioneering leaders who laid the groundwork for this project. The following were leaders of the Care Committee who were chosen for 1994.
- Rev. Obrian (Chairman)
- Thramu Sally
- Dr. Eric Poo Nyo
- Dr. Irene May Sein Oo
- Thara Tun Oo
- Thramu Stella Min
- Rev. Dr. Doh Say
- Thramu Kwe Po
Those Responsible for Hospital Care
- Irene May Sein Oo
- Obrian
- Dr. Clifford Kyaw Dwe
- Sister Sally
Opening the Health Care Clinic
The Health Care Clinic building was dedicated on October 16, 1993 and the clinic started functioning at 6 pm on Nov 1, 1993. On this occasion Rev. Obrien acted as the Chairman and Rev. Dr. Clifford Kyaw Dwe gave message.
Assignment of Duties
- Head of the Clinic – Rev. Obrian
- Clinic In-charge – Sister Sally
- Repair and renovation – Thara Tun Ney
- Those responsible for facilities, procurement of instruments, drugs and medicines
- Dr. Abigail (MCC)
- Dr. Rebecca Htin (World Vision)
- Dr. Allen
Expanding the Medical Facilities
The clinic has to move with time and provide up-to-date facilities. The following services and facilities were added from time to time.
- 30 beds for in-patients and some private rooms.
- A modern Operation Theatre with good instruments and two operating tables.
- A maternity ward, clean and sanitized, together with care for babies,
- Specialists in the fields of –
- Neurologist
- Ophthalmologist
- Dental surgeon
- Ear, Nose and Throat
- Physician
- General Surgeon
- Obstetrician and Gynecologist
- Pediatrician
- Radiologist
- Laboratory
Supportive Works
In addition to the above mentioned medical care and attention, the clinic also has the following supportive programs
- Practical Training Field for Nurse Aids
- Health Education Services for the public:
- Health Care Services to Orphanage Centres
- Capacity Building Program for Staffs
Appointment of a Care Director
- In 1995, the KBC leaders posted a new director to oversee the running of the clinic in various ways. As such, with blessing from God, Thra Christopher Lau Bah was chosen to serve as Care Director in January 1, 1997.
- Starting from January 1, 2001, Thramu Magnolia was chosen as Director of Care and Counseling Department.
- Starting from 1st January, 2011, Thramu Htoo Khu Kalu Paw has been chosen as Director of Care and Counseling Department.
- Staring from 1st January, 2020, Thramu Nita has been chosen as Director of Care and Counseling Department.